+43 3357 42490


14 Dez 2023

GIVING THANKS – Our first Thanksgiving Dinner at HLW Pinkafeld

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In collaboration with cooking, service and our English classes, the students of 3HLWa and 3HLWb organized an event, during which we prepared and ate various delicious dishes that are commonly served on Thanksgiving in the USA.

While the majority were split up into pairs or small groups to work in the kitchen, a group of people stayed in service to set the tables and put up seasonal decorations, that we had designed and made ourselves beforehand. After three hours of intensive preparation, everyone could enjoy traditional American dishes such as pumpkin pie, roast turkey, sour dough bread stuffing, biscuit and gravy, sweet potato yams, cranberry relish, and cinnamon rolls.

This experience not only introduced us to American cuisine, but also allowed us to improve our culinary and linguistic skills. Overall, it was a wonderful opportunity for us to learn and a fun event.